i. Rule of Product & Sum :
- If there are N ways of doing something and M ways of doing another thing after that, then there are (N * M) ways to perform both of these actions. (Product rule)
- If there are N choices for one action and M choices for another action and two actions can not be done at the same time, then there are (N + M) ways to choose one of these actions. If the question can be rephased with word "OR" this indicates that the rule of sum applies. (Sum rule)
ii. Permutation :
- The number of permutations of N distinct objects is N! .
- From N distinct objects permutation of R objects is N! / (N-R)! . (nPr)
- The permutation of N objects with n1 are of type one, n2 are of type two, ..., nk are of type k is
N! / (n1! n2!...nk!) . (Permutation with Repetition)
- The number of circular permutation of N distinct objects is (N-1)! . (Circular Permutation)
iii. Combination :
- From N distinct objects choose R objects N! / (R! * (N-R)!) . (nCr)
- We can write, nCr = (n-1)C(r-1) + (n-1)Cr . (Pascal's Rule)
- We can write, nCr = nC(n-r) .
- We can write, (Hockey-stick Identity)
- We can write, (Vandermonde's Identity)
- If we have N objects out of which we want to choose K objects and it is allowed to choose one object more than once, then number of ways are, (N+K-1)C(K) or, (N+K-1)C(N-1) . (Combination with Repetition)
- Number of K-combination for all K, nC0 + nC1 + nC2 + nC3 + ... + nCk = 2n .
iv. Binomial Theorem :
- It is, (a+b)n = nC0 an b0 + nC1 a(n-1) b1 + ... + nC(n-1) a1 b(n-1) + nCn a0 bn . (General Form: nCk a(n-k) bk)
v. The Pigeonhole Principle :
- If more than N objects are distributed in N boxes, then at least one box will contain at least two objects. (Naive Form)
- For any positive integer N and K, if (NK+1) or more objects are placed in N boxes, then one box will contain more than K objects. (Second Form)
- If q1, q2, ..., qn be positive integers and (q1 + q2 + ... + qn - n + 1) objects are put into n boxes, then either the 1st box contains at least q1 objects, or the 2nd box contains at least q2 objects, ..., the nth box contains at least qn objects. (Strong Form)
vi. Rectangular Grid Walk :
- Using only up and right move, we can go bottom-left corner to top-right corner in a (N * M) grid in (N+M)CN or (N+M)CM ways. (No Restrictions)
- Having one restricted point (a, b), the number of ways is, (N+M)CN - ( (a+b)Ca * ((N+M)-(a+b))C(N-a) ) . (Using PIE)
- What should we do if restricted points are 50 or more???
- For King's Move ((0,0) to (n,n)),
vii. Catalan Number :
- A sequence of positive integers, where, C(n) = (1 / (n+1)) * 2nCn .
- Applications, Link
viii. Stars & Bars :
- To place N indistinguishable objects in K groups we need (K-1) dividers, the number of ways is, (N+K-1)CN or (N+K-1)C(K-1) .
- To Learn more about Lower/Upper Bound of each partition read this.
ix. Stirling Number :
- The number of permutation of [n] with exactly k cycles is, S(n, k) = S(n-1, k-1) + (n-1) * S(n-1, k) . Where, S(n, 1) = (n-1)! & S(n, n) = 1. (First Kind)
Fig. : S(4, 2) = 11
- If self-cycle is not possible, S(n, k) = (n-1) * S(n-2, k-1) + (n-1) * S(n-1, k) . Where, S(n, 1) = (n-1)!
- S(n, k) be total number of partitions of n objects into k non-empty sets, S(n, k) = k * S(n-1, k) + S(n-1, k-1) . Where, S(n, 1) = S(n, n) = 1. (Second Kind)
x. Bell Number :
- Given a set of n numbers, the ways of partitioning it is,
Here, S(n, k) is second kind starling number.xi. Burnside's Lemma :
- ( Under Construction :3 )
*** Proofs are available in google. So, interested people can search to learn more! :)
*** To Practice them https://brilliant.org is a good source.
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