
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Suffix Automaton

Source :

Link1 Link2 Link3

Code :

// O(n)
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
const int N = 100005;
struct state {
int len, link;
map<char, int> Next;
state st[3 * N];
int sz, last;
void init()
st[0].len = 0;
st[0].link = -1;
sz = 0;
last = 0;
void SA_Extend(char ch)
int curr = ++sz;
st[curr].len = st[last].len + 1;
int p = last;
while(p!=-1 && !st[p].Next.count(ch)) {
st[p].Next[ch] = curr;
p = st[p].link;
if(p==-1) {
st[curr].link = 0;
else {
int q = st[p].Next[ch];
if(st[p].len + 1==st[q].len) {
st[curr].link = q;
else {
int clone = ++sz;
st[clone].len = st[p].len + 1;
st[clone].Next = st[q].Next;
st[clone].link = st[q].link;
while(p!=-1 && st[p].Next[ch]==q) {
st[p].Next[ch] = clone;
p = st[p].link;
st[q].link = st[curr].link = clone;
last = curr;
int main()
string s;
for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
return 0;
view raw sa.cpp hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Application :

1. Find pattern P in text T in O(|T| + |P|).

:: Build the automaton then loop through P and find if there exists transitions.

2. Find number of distinct sub-strings in S.

:: These can be calculated recursively by calculating for each node the number of different paths starting from that node. The number of different paths starting from a node is the sum of the corresponding numbers of its direct successors, plus 1 corresponding to the path that does not leave the node.

int dfs(int u)
int &res = dp[u];
if(res) return res;
res = 1;
for(auto ch : st[u].Next) {
int v = ch.second;
res += dfs(v);
return res;
view raw ex1.cpp hosted with ❤ by GitHub

3. Total length of all distinct sub-strings in S.

:: From previous code we know value of dp[i]. Now, we will do same thing here ans[u] += ans[v] + dp[v].

4. The lexicography Kth sub-string  in S. (only distinct sub-strings / all possible sub-strings)

:: (distinct) Pick the transition with smallest character then if the path length becomes K, we will return the character and take all visited characters from that path. 

void Klex(int ver)
for(char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {
if(st[ver].Next[ch]) {
if(path==k) {
if(path==k) {
view raw ex2.cpp hosted with ❤ by GitHub

:: (Not distinct) First we will find all occurrence of each sub-strings. Then we will Find Kth smallest sub-string. See this.

[Let cnt[v] is the For all the states v number of occurrence of the sub-strings associated with v.
Initially if state v was not cloned then cnt[v] = 1 , otherwise it’s 0. We go through each state in descending order of length. and for each state we do cnt[link[v]]+=cnt[v]; After that , if u is the state corresponding to pattern P , then cnt[u] is the ans.]

5. (...)

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